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As I was sitting here deciding what I wanted to blog about, I was thinking about my summer and a lot of the words started with the letter "S".  Which means I must be in a silly mood.  So here we go.

My goal for my Summer break from school was to fill my calendar with as many shows as I could.  As I have said so many times "I have two forms of employment, not jobs.  Both of which I absolutely adore.  In the summer I miss the structure and the dependable schedule of the school year.  Hence, the full show schedule. 

Since I love goal setting, and the fact that I like to Win!!!  I feel I was successful in filling my calendar to meet my goals.  I was so blessed to be invited into so many homes and offices this summer.  I was able to demonstrate and share recipes and products to make cooking more fun and simple

So many of my kids got married this summer.  We were able to pamper their kitchens with bridal showers.  I think they are the greatest gift ever for a bride.

Mike and I ran away to Jackson for a few days.  It was a great time.  The town was pretty quiet when we went.  We had a night of panic however.  We were so excited to go to Bubba's for dinner and drove there and they were gone.  No forwarding address or anything.  We ended up back at the Virginian for dinner, which was really good.  But it wasn't Bubba's.  Our adorable waitress actually worked at Bubba's also (yeah) and she told us they had just moved across the street.  Great!  We ate there for breakfast so the trip wasn't totally wasted.

Sorrow because I didn't get to see my babies from Logan as often as I would like.  EVERY Sunday is what I would like.  They grow up when I can't see them.  Emmi is turning into a tall adorable first grader and Justin is still a tank and he is hilarious.  At three he is really a comedian.  I think we are in trouble when he gets older.  I have been very blessed to have Payton with me a lot.  I have been watching him grow up.  He is a pretty smart kid and he plays EVERY sport there is.  We have been to all kinds of ballgames.  Right now he is playing soccer and football. 

I have been working on self-improvement this summer also.  Yah not so much.  Just when I think I am organized, I change something and then I start-over.  The great thing about that is I will never be perfect so I can always work on improving. 

I have savoured every moment of this summer.  I have not wished it away and yet I have looked forward to September.  I am now back at school and so excited for the new year.  I have the opportunity to go back to Denver this month for a National Leadership Convention and brag brag brag...I am getting an award.  YEAH! 

I look forward to this next 4 months.  The largest selling season for the Pampered Chef.  Christmas gifts, party supplies, new recipes and more.  I would love to party with you.  Please call me.  Better yet join me and have your Christmas paid for.
