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Welcome to 2014
Last year was actually very kind to me. I received so many wonderful blessings. I want to say thank you so much to all of my fabulous hosts of 2013. Some new and some who love Pampered Chef so much they host a party with me each year. My absolute favorite part of my business is being able to meet so many wonderful people I call friends. One of my other favorite things is to pamper your kitchens with new very useful products.
I have so much fun when I go into a pre-pampered kitchen and my host knows as much or more as I do about the product. In fact I am able to just stand back and let each of you do the selling for me. That is what you call a reputable company.
Last year I was able to travel to Phoenix and Minneapolis. This is pretty huge for me. I didn't ever travel anywhere. When I was in Minneapolis I was able to see Jon Gordon in person. WOW!! Talk about motivational. He spoke about "One Word". So I found my word for the rest of the year.
That word was "FIRE" and it was pretty cool that Katy Perry chose to do her song "Roar" just for me. I wanted to fire up my business, I wanted to fire up my self-confidence, and I wanted to fire up my determination.
I know there is always room for improvement, but I believe I made progress with this word in my mind. (I even used the song as my ringtone). I became more intentional about sharing this opportunity with more people. Not as a recruiter but as a friend. I decided if that one person hadn't offered me this opportunity, my life would be so different from what it is today. I am so blessed and so grateful to have had this gift given to me. I have been able to pay it forward to several people.
So for 2014 I started the year off with my new word. I have chosen the word "FOCUS". I have so many different directions that I am going. I feel that I do not do anything as well as I am capable of. I start many things and do not finish or complete to my satisfaction. So this year I am going to try to narrow my Focus. I am going to concentrate on finishing what I start. I am going to focus on doing better at each thing I touch. So the beginning of my narrowing is to add to my blog more often than every three months. Starting with today.
For 2014 I want to add some new recipes to my shows. I have 3 Wedding Showers scheduled already. Oh how I love to pamper a new brides kitchen. It is the greatest. I also have 2 fundraisers scheduled so far. This I am very excited for. The Help Whip Cancer program will be in full swing in May and October. Also, on a continuing basis is Round-Up from the Heart, feeding the hungry. Such a wonderful program.
My family is as always my foundation of strength. They are such a support to me. I don't believe I would be doing this without them.
Please keep coming back to my blog for new recipes and bring others with you. I do have a Facebook page that I try to do correctly. Well that hasn't happened yet, but I am a work in progress. My Facebook page is LaurasEasyKitchenExperience. Please find me and like me and share me...
Happy January to you. Please let me know of recipes or other ideas you have or want. Also, my calendar is always available to you for a party.
Yummy! I am going to try these :) Thank you!!
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