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So, I have a few new things happening in my life. I have decided to turn my blog into a place for my Pampered Chef business. I figure if I am going to collect the product, I might as well do it for free and get paid for it also. Whoever would have thought I could combine the two.

For those of you that know me understand that some of my favorite things are cooking, talking, laughing, serving, talking, cooking, playing, and loving life. So the perfect opportunity waltzed into my life at the end of July this year.

You know a lot of people work so hard their whole life and then when it is time to retire, they are either to old and cripple or they die before they get a chance to enjoy retirement. Well, we were very fortunate that the decision was taken out of our hands. As some of you know, my wonderful husband Mike, had a heart attack on New Years Eve 2009. He went back to work and they laid him off. This is where the blessings come in. Mike now gets to learn to love the rest of his life. He has taken care of our family for 34 years. It is now my turn.

Hence the opportunity of a lifetime. I am still at the school, which I love and do not ever want to leave. I love all my kids. I love watching them grow up and become wonderful adults.

This summer we held a Pampered Chef show for a new consultant, thinking I was doing her a favor. Little did I know that when she suggested that I would be a fantastic consultant (her words not mine) she was actually doing me the favor.

Since I have been doing this August 1st, it has helped so much with the bills. It has always been hard for me (prideful) to ever admit to any inadequacies (of which I have many). Well I am getting better and I need this job and I need the money right now. Please don't feel sorry for me...unless of course that would mean you want to schedule a Pampered Chef show.

So after all of that, this is what I want to do. I want this blog to become my home for my show recipes, tips and ideas. For comments and conversation. For offers and specials. I am not a fantastic blogger, but I will try to stay up on it. If any of you have any suggestions or ideas or recipes and tips, please include them. Please also, if you enjoy it, spread the word to your friends and family that might be interested. Also, if you know of anyone needing free and fabulous Pampered Chef products to contact me. And if you know of anyone needing the same blessings of an extra income, a night out from the kids, paying for college, wedding, or missions...please let me know. This doesn't fit everyone, but it sure is a great fit for me.


KER said...

i had fun at the "party" yesterday (Pam C - hostess) are a wonderful demo...wishing you continued success...